In business, the results you get can be relatively proportionate to the effort you put in. So far so good, but a problem arises when people don’t do anything or do the wrong thing to try to get results.
Far too often, people will play the blame game. “I tried this to get more business happening and it didn’t work and the same with that, and that and on and on … nothing’s working!” I think it’s a bit like this, I want to build a house, I have some materials and I put them together but it’s not working… of course not — no plan coupled with low skills, I may end up with a house with no floor, no roof or missing a number of key items. The same in business, if you need to market the business you need to know something about marketing, human resources; you need to know finances, tax, operational issues, hopefully you get the picture. If you don’t know something you need to find out how to do it properly. Take marketing for instance, doing it properly makes a huge difference to the results, doing it long enough to see the results really flourish is another thing again. Being able to measure the results is another thing again. OK, I hear you saying: “There are only so many days in the week and hours in the day.” Here are my responses:
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Boost Your BusinessMaria NovakI have over 35 years' experience in Marketing Small Businesses. Categories