As a salesperson, you have all the power in the world to make your own success. It’s not market conditions; it’s your mental conditions. It’s not customer conditions; it’s your failure to perform in a powerful way. And it’s certainly not the competition’s conditions; it’s your inability to prove value beyond doubt and risk.
Here are some powers that every salesperson can possess and how you might be able to use them to your advantage to build sales, build relationships, build referrals, earn testimonials, and achieve sales success: The power of a positive attitude. The way you dedicate yourself to the way you think creates the foundation for your entire life. Sales is part of your life and requires a positive attitude as fundamental and foundational to success. The power of daily attitude actions. These are actions that you take both in your favor and in the favor of others. They’re not just positive; they’re powerful. The power of belief. Belief in who you work for, what you’re selling, your ability to differentiate yourself from your competitor, and belief in yourself. The power of self-confidence. The power of self-confidence comes from thinking about past accomplishments. Those thoughts become your inner confidence builder. The power of keeping conversational control. Salespeople have very little idea about what it takes to keep control of the sales conversation. The answer is in one word: ASK. When you ask, you’re in control of the conversation. Want more control? Easy. Ask more questions. The power of preparation. Most salespeople make the fatal mistake of only preparing in terms of themselves, when in fact the customer only cares about him or herself. They want ideas, value, and answers – not your canned slide show. They want to know how THEY win. Why not spend twice as much time preparing in terms of the customer? Preparation determines outcome. The power of creativity. Creativity is a science, and you can learn it. It’s based on the perspective from which you see things. And once you begin to see things a little bit differently than others, you’ll become more creative. Your customer wants to know why and how you’re different from your competition. Creativity makes it evident. The power of being memorable. For years I have said, “Find something personal. Do something memorable.” It’s all about a random act of kindness that has a direct emotional trigger to the heart of the customer. Whatever it is, it must relate to the customer and their passion. The power of value. “Give value first.” The customer forms an impression of you that’s both positive and powerful. The more value you provide, the more powerful you will become, and the more sales you will make. And just so we understand the word value, it’s preceded by the word “perceived.” If the customer perceives value, then it is.
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