Details aren’t what you focus on after you’ve figured out everything else. The details are everything else. They ultimately determine if your plan works or not.
The details are the difference between executing a failed strategy or delivering impressive results. So, it’s a bad idea to make the details an afterthought. The tiniest of details can make a big difference in how well your idea ends up working. Things like tone of voice, color, time of day, and the number of times you repeat an activity, all factor into your overall likelihood of success. That’s just how your brain is wired. When your brain feels overwhelmed by new information or data that is complex and confusing, your brain begins to look for reasonable ways to summarize that material into information that is safe, logical, and useful. The quickest way your brain does that is to look for inaccuracies – to study the details and see what doesn’t add up. If the details don’t corroborate the evidence that your brain is processing, then that information is thrown away. Almost completely discounted. That’s important to remember when you’re launching a new product, re-marketing your brand, or training sales executives. Success is determined by how well you execute the details. You can criticize the rest of the world for missing the forest for the tree at that time, but maybe you’re the one who placed the tree there in the first place. Maybe it’s you sabotaging your own success by ignoring the details. Does it matter how quickly you launch if what you do ends up being unsuccessful?
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